5 things you need to have in your rat's cage

5 things you need to have in your rat's cage

When bringing home pet rats it is crucial to make sure they have everything they desire in your rat cage. Fortunately, setting up a rat cage could be a lot of fun! This write-up will go over all the information you need to make sure your rats are happy, strong, and comfortable.


Your Rat's Bedding

Bedding is essential in a rat cage. There are various options for rats, but it primarily comes down to loose bedding or fleece. There are advantages and disadvantages to both.

Fleeces are tidy. Most of the time rats cannot throw them out of the cage.

They can be used to cover metal bars to curtail the risk of bumblefoot. They are also washable but ensure you do not use scented laundry detergent because this can irritate rats' sensitive respiratory systems.

Loose beddings on the other hand encourage their natural burrowing instinct. They are very absorbent and easier to clean.

When using loose bedding;

  • Ensure that you do not use pine or cedar bedding as the oils from them can result in health problems for your pet rat.
  • Paper bedding is a safe choice.

Make sure that the kind you choose is unscented and that it isn't made of recycled newspaper, the ink can be deadly.


  1. Hammocks and Snuggle

Rats love to sleep high up in the cage, so hammocks are usually one of their special nap spots. There is always a variety of hammocks that you can choose from. Most pet stores sell them, there are a ton of options online and we have the best options for Hammocks and Snuggle here.


  1. Tunnels and wheels

Tunnels made of solid plastic or PVC can be strung on stainless steel wire hangers or put in the cage. PVC is simple to clean. To avoid the rodent from becoming stuck in the pipe, choose a pipe with a large enough diameter. Wooden blocks can also be penetrated to build tunnels, which the rats can use to enlarge themselves due to their natural gnawing behavior.

Rats can naturally run miles a day in search of food, shelter, and a mate. Therefore, they need a wheel to expend some of their energy. If they don’t, they may develop health problems or behavioral issues. Bored and excited rats may become destructive.


  1. A Hiding Place For Your Rat

It is a great idea to give your rats somewhere to hide. Rats are naturally prey animals, so they will feel safer if they have somewhere they deem to be their hideout. You can use boxes, baskets tipped on their side, or you can find creative hand-made hides made of fleece.


  1. Water Source And Food Dish

All rats need the means to drink water. Small rodent water bottles which hang on the side of the cage are usually a great choice.

If your rats have a habit of nibbling through the plastic ones, you would need to purchase chew-proof bottles. If you have a large cage or a lot of rats, you could keep a bottle on each level. This would ensure that everybody gets water.

You can give water in a dish to young rats that have a hard time drinking out of a regular small bottle. Even though they will prefer the hanging water bottle once they are older.

Your rat also needs food dishes. Your pet should have access to high-quality block food all the time, so it is good to have a dish just for that. Ensure you also provide another dish for the veggies and extras you feed them to.


Finally, it is good to give your rat things to do to keep them busy as rats' teeth grow their whole lives, so they must have things to chew. Wood toys are a classic choice for rats. They like to chew on them and this helps them keep their teeth filed down.


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