What to consider before buying pet food

 What to consider before buying pet food

In pet food commercials, brands advertise what they think people want to see. They feed on the current fads in human food selections by creating products that they think buyers will want to buy, even if it does not have the best interest of the pet.

We know that navigating through a large array of pet fold options can be very overwhelming so we hope to help you with tips that will help you navigate pet foods and make excellent choices quickly.

Here are some of them;

  1. Make sure that the food is produced by a trustworthy and existing company

Long-standing, bigger companies like Scarlett Rat have evidence-based science behind their formulations of Scarlette food and quality control standards that other newer companies often lack. This little detail matters as it can save you from making the wrong decision by buying pet food from substandard brands. Some groups of meals for your rodents sold by Scarlet rat includes;  Tidymix food, Critters choice, and Nature-first


  1. Investigate and ensure the company has completed feeding trials for their diet.

Knowing that a rodent thrived on a particular food for a year, not just that it meets adequate nutrition requirements, is important. It is not just about throwing a bunch of ingredients together and calling it food, it should be quality pet food indeed.


  1. The food label contains no false claims

Avoid companies that make claims that their products can treat or prevent a specific disease. The possibility that products from such food brands are poor quality or even a sham is high. For a company to have a claim that food or an item treats or prevents a specific condition, research, scientific studies, strict guidelines, and legal requirements are important. The food that results is considered a therapeutic diet. It is a food precisely formulated to modify or treat a disease or illness. They are only available for purchase directly from a vet or through professional vendors with a prescription. Therefore, claims like preventing or treating arthritis on over-the-counter food are false, and one should have concerns about the food quality and company in general.


  1. Put into consideration your pet’s stage of life

A growing pet is going to have different needs than an adult in the prime of their life. And, as an animal gets older, its nutritional requirements are going to keep changing again and again. So, you must put into consideration your pet's life stage.


  1. Put into consideration your pet’s special dietary needs

A lot of factors would influence food choices for your pet. Food allergies are a big one. There are lots of other health problems other than just their life stage and how active they are but pet food is one of the most important.


  1. Put into consideration the cost of your pet's food

Price should be an important consideration for getting food for your pet. Buying a month or two months’ worth of pet food in just one bag is a great idea. Shop for your rat's food at affordable rates here


  1. Put into consideration your pet’s lifestyle

Consider how active your pet is. If your pet sits at home on the couch most of the time, you would need different nutrition than an animal that’s active, and agile.

Remember that it is not just about the ingredients but also the combination of the right quality ingredient, the right amount, the overall balance, nutritional value, and palatability (if it tastes good) for your pet rodent. Only a handful of companies use valid research-based studies that would hold up to scientific examination to ascertain the overall advantage of their product. The food you choose also depends on not just if the pet will eat it but further if the pet’s diet remains balanced for life

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