Symptoms of the Common Cold in a Hamster

Symptoms of the Common Cold in a Hamster

When your hamster starts sneezing and sniffling, it is a  typical signal that it has contracted a respiratory condition. Most people assume that these are symptoms of an upper respiratory infection, however, these symptoms could also be an indication that your hamster has a common cold or even pneumonia.

If you are not careful during the winter months, you not only have to worry about getting sick but you would need to be keeping a close eye on your pets as well.


This article would be discussing the causes, signs, remedies, and prevention for your hamster cold. Before we go further, check out the latest addition to our HAMSTER ACCESSORIES and HAMSTER PLATFORMS


Causes of Colds in Hamsters

Hamster colds are similar symptomatically to human colds. They are very contagious. This means that your hamster can catch a cold from you. The term "cold," might be slightly misleading here, as hamsters can also develop respiratory tract infections that have symptoms that are similar to the human cold.

When a pet owner is sick, he or she should make sure that they take their medication so that they can heal. When battling a cold, It is best to stay distant from your pet so that he doesn't get sick too.


Your hamster can catch a cold if;

  1. Its cage is kept in a cold or drafty room.
  2. If you don't dry him fully after giving him a bath
  3. If you let it sleep under its water container
  4.  If it spills water on itself while drinking from a water bottle.



Signs that your Hamster has a Cold

The signs and symptoms of cold in hamsters may vary depending on how serious the cold is, Here are some more common symptoms;

  1. Sneezing and runny nose
  2. Sniffling
  3. Having half-closed watery eyes
  4. Developing warm body temperature
  5. Excessive thirst and fatigue
  6. Laidback ears and lack of activity
  7. Excessive discharge from its eyes and the nose
  8. Fur looking matted and ungroomed
  9. Lethargy
  10. Noticeable sneezing and sniffling
  11. Refusal to eat or drink
  12. Shivers
  13. Weight loss
  14. Very matted and unkempt fur
  15. Curling up in a ball, most often in the corner of the cage



How to prevent your hamster from catching a cold

  • Ensure you take medication and avoid contact with your hamster if you're sick.
  • Do not put your pet's cage in a cold or damp place. It is probably not the best idea to put it in an unfinished basement.
  • Do not place the cage near a window or door. Neither should you put the cage on an exterior wall.
  • Avoid bathing him. Hamsters are pretty good at keeping themselves clean


How to take care of a hamster that has a cold

After finding out that your hamster has a cold, you need to get him treated as soon as possible so the cold does not develop into pneumonia or even bronchitis.

A vet doctor would help in diagnosing the type of cold it is and coming up with a treatment plan, so you must seek veterinary assistance immediately it happens. The vet will also prescribe some antibiotics to help abate the symptoms.

 You also need to manage your pets cold. The following are ways you can.


  • Keep your hamster warm by putting a heating pad under the enclosure. Find one that is chew-proof in case there's a spurt of energy and the cord or pad is being gnawed on.
  • Ensure its cage is in a warm and drought-free area.
  • Always disinfect the cage, water bottle, food dish, and any toys in the cage.
  • Change the bedding
  • Prepare a drink of warm milk, water, and a teaspoon of honey. You can use a small syringe or eyedropper and drop a few drops in the mouth if it won't drink from its bottle.
  • Set up a humidifier
  • Check out our HAMSTER HEALTHCARE

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