Eight Fascinating Hamster Facts

Eight Fascinating Hamster Facts

The Hamster is a small and friendly pocket pet loved by a lot of owners. These cuddly and cute pets belong to a group of some of the most popular small animal pets. Below are some interesting facts about your pet hamster


Hamsters love working out

Because your hamster has a high metabolism, it needs a lot of exercise. A hamster wheel from our collection of our Hamster Toys will keep it busy. However keep your Hamster Wheel oiled with mineral oil in case your hamster's cage is near your sleeping area, or you may be disturbed by your hamster jogging all night long.

Your Hamster will also enjoy rolling around on the floor inside clear plastic hamster balls made specifically for that purpose. Ensure you monitor your hamster in its ball as it rolls so that it doesn’t roll off a table or downstairs and get injured.


Hamsters Teeth Keeps Growing

Since Hamsters continually grow their teeth, you need to provide them with something to chew on, so their teeth stay worn down, strong, and healthy. Woodblocks from our Hamster Platform and toys made from hay are good for this purpose but ensure you avoid wooden materials like cedar, pine, and soft plastic items because they can be harmful if ingested.


Hamsters love sleeping in enclosed spaces

Ever noticed your Hamster sticking to enclosed spaces? Well, that there is their thing and you can put items like paper towel tubes, and small flowerpots into the cage for this purpose. To create the perfect bedding, use a clean, relatively dust-free, absorbent material, like shredded paper or Timothy hay. Avoid the use of pine and cedar shavings as their fumes can cause respiratory problems in your hamster.

Not only that, ensure you do not use items like wood shavings, corn cob, and walnut shells for bedding as they are dusty and indigestible if eaten. Your Hamster also loves to burrow, so ensure you make provisions for plenty of materials like white paper towels or shredded paper that can be used for nesting.


Hamsters love hoarding their food

Did you know the name hamster comes from the German word, hamsters, which means “to hoard"?

Hamsters when eating could be seen packing their food in pockets, called cheek pouches which are found on both sides of their faces to snack on later. These pouches can expand from their jaws to their shoulders.

For healthy meal choices, ensure your hamsters are fed a diet of pelleted hamster mix, a small number of nuts and seeds, as well as some fresh produce, like spinach, apples, and carrots.

Check out our collection of Hamster Food here


Hamsters are nocturnal

Because your Hamster sleeps in all day, it can be very noisy at night. You should keep it out of your bedroom if you don’t want it disturbing you while you sleep. Like we stated earlier, your Hamster can run on wheels in its cage all night long. During the day, your hamster should ideally be kept in a quiet, dim area and left undisturbed to burrow and sleep in its cage bedding.


Syrian hamsters are the most popular hamsters

Even though hamsters are common in many parts of the world, the Syrian hamster is the most popular. Syrian hamsters are also called golden hamsters or teddy bear hamsters. The Syrian Hamster grows to six inches long and lives for two to three years.


Syrian hamsters like to be kept on their own.

If you keep a group of Syrian hamsters together, they may end up fighting and causing damage to each other. You should keep each Hamster in its cage. This territorial nature begins when they are about 6 to 10 weeks of age, so separate them during this period.



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