Feeding and caring for your pet rabbit

Feeding and caring for your pet rabbit

Rabbits are sensitive, rewarding, and popular pets best suited to teenagers and adults. They like companionship and prefer to live in pairs or compatible groups. Although a rabbit of mixed breeding can offer much fun and companionship, there are always many breeds of rabbits to choose from.

The best time to buy your pet rabbit is when it has been weaned from its mother.

Below are better ways you could care for your pet rabbits.


Your Rabbit Food and Treats

Rabbits are herbivorous by nature. They are designed to eat a diet containing mainly large amounts of grass and leaves, as well as some flowers and fruits.

One of the most important grasses you should feed your pet rabbit is Grass hay.  The grass hay is rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins. It encourages healthy GI motility and the appropriate wearing down of teeth through chewing, decreases inappropriate chewing of other objects, and prevents overeating and obesity


Another important diet for your rabbit is green foods. Green foods are suitable for all ages of rabbits and are great for the kidneys, bladder, and gastrointestinal tract.

 Meals like pallets should only be fed as a small portion of your rabbit’s diet because they don’t cause the feeling of fullness your rabbits get from eating hay, and they contain a high level of calories that can lead to obesity. Pallets also do not promote normal tooth wear which is very important to rabbits to avoid behavioral problems.


Now let's talk about rabbit treats. We advise you to include fruits and vegetables in your rabbit’s daily diet as treats because they are not only healthy but can also be used as a reward during training.

However, bananas and grapes are not recommended because rabbits can get hooked on these foods and may not want to eat anything else.

Need ideas for rabbit food and treats? Click here RABBIT FOOD & TREATS


Finally, ensure clean water in a clean water container is always available for your rabbit. A dirty water container can be a breeding ground for bacteria.



Your Rabbit's Environment


Your rabbit cage should be kept in a cool and well-ventilated environment. We do not propose that you place your rabbit’s cage in the basement because it is usually too damp and could cause respiratory disease. Ensure your rabbit's cage is kept clean in order not to attract parasitic insects.


Your rabbit should never be kept in a cage every day. It needs daily exercise to stay healthy and prevent physical or behavioral conditions. However, If you do not want your rabbit to freely roam the house, take it to rabbit-proof the area and remove toxic plants from its reach.

Using clay or clumping kitty litter for its home isn't a good idea. The best bedding to use in the litter box is pelleted litter.


Finally, ensure that you provide your rabbit with plenty of toys for mental stimulation and wearing down of teeth. Examples of some rabbit toy van are found here RABBIT TOYS


Handling your rabbit


Never grab a rabbit up by the ears because it is painful for them and very unnecessary. To pick your rabbit, grasp the loose skin over its shoulders and spoon under the chest.

When learning to hold a rabbit, practice close to the ground so that if the rabbit jumps out of your arms, it won’t get injured.


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