A Quick Guide To Caring For Your Pet Hamster

A Quick Guide To Caring For Your Pet Hamster

Hamsters are very cute common household pets. They make terrific pets because they don't require so much attention, they get sufficient exercise running on their wheel, and they are cute, cuddly, and pleasant to hold. They make an excellent starter pet for some children. Unfortunately, hamsters don't come with care instructions hence it helps to have at least a basic understanding of what you're getting into when you keep one as a pet.

Consider the following your handy hamster care guide.


Your hamster's cage:

Your hamster needs a safe home in which to explore and feel comfortable. Purchase a cage which is at least 15 inches long by 12 inches high. You can always opt for something bigger if you want to give your hamster more room to exercise and explore. However, ensure the cage is escape-proof.


Your Hamster's Bedding:

As a general rule, the healthiest type of bedding is one that isn't made of wood shavings. Try to find bedding made from cellulose or plant-based paper fibers and avoid cat litter, corn cobs, newspaper, and any scented bedding (which contains chemicals that can cause respiratory trouble).



Your Hamster Toys:

Hamsters need toys and other items to provide them with opportunities for exercise and play. Although they appreciate time outside their cages to explore in a hamster-safe environment, there are some items you can place inside the cage to provide exercise. Some of these toys include hamster wheels and balls, chew toys, hamster pumice stones, wood ladders, climbing blocks, etc.

You can order your hamster toys here.


Your Hamster's Food:

Since hamsters are prone to diabetes, we advise you to give them fruit (which is laden with sugar) sparingly.

You could buy bags of hamster mix. This could contain a blend of fruits, vegetables, seeds, and grains.

Pellet food is good for feeding your hamster because it stops them from picking out the most delicious morsels.

Don't overfeed hamsters - they like to hoard and most importantly keep them hydrated.

Check the link below for some hamster food options.



How Clean a Hamster’s Cage

Your hamster needs clean cages to keep them from getting sick with diseases that could be transmitted to other pets and humans.

 Follow these steps to clean your hamster’s cage:


  1. Keep your hamster in another area while you clean:

Keep your hamster from running off somewhere while you aren't looking. A second cage or deep container that your hamster can’t get out could work.

  1. Get rid of their bedding:

Sometimes, Hamsters hoard their food in their bedding. Tossing their bedding every time you clean will not only keep the cage clean but also help prevent it from becoming a feasting place for bacterial.


  1. Wash its cage:

You could use regular soap and warm water to thoroughly rinse and clean your hamster’s cage or container. However, if you decide to use vinegar, bleach, or any other type of cleaning product on the container, ensure everything is thoroughly cleaned off and dried before adding new bedding.


Just because your Hamsters are small, don’t go thinking that you can give them any less care, commitment and love than you’d give to a bigger pet.

 Click the link below to check out our collection of hamster food and toys.



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